What’s in your soil
by Indigo Agriculture
Healthy soil is critical for a farmer’s crop growth and yield, especially in challenging growing seasons. We all know this fact. Creating and maintaining healthy soils, however, requires an understanding of soil structure, the plants it supports, and how to cultivate a fertile environment for your crops.
The composition of soil can be broken down into three basic properties, each with an important function:
- Organic matter 1- 5% : The smallest percentage, but just as important, is the topmost layer of decomposing residue that contains nutrients, valuable organisms and microbial activity.
- Solids 45% : Made up of sand, silt and clay in varying amounts, this can also be called your soil’s texture. Understanding the texture of your soil and the difference in its particles can help you learn about possible restrictions to crop growth.
- Porespace 50% : Open spaces in the soil that contain air and water. Porespace and the soil structure affects how quickly and how much water moves through the soil.
But that description of soil components is a bit dry - your soil is a complex biological environment that creates sustainability as well as productivity, so think of it more like a sponge. It is best if it’s porous, with the ability to drain excess water, but can also hold a large amount of water as well and can supply the crops with this water when necessary over time.
Your soil’s structure, fertility and sustainability can be renewed or degraded over time with certain management practices like tillage, residue removal/burning, adding organic matter and stimulating biological activity - all which change the soil structure. For example, it is well documented and researched that tillage harms soil structure, aggregation, biological activity, infiltration, water holding capacity and rooting depth. On the other hand, adding carbon back into your soil through methods such as planting cover crops will help build up soil and create an ideal environment for future growth. Cover crops are a great way to combat various challenges including soil compaction and they also earn you carbon credits.
At Indigo, we offer a variety of agronomic tools through the Learn Library to help you with carbon farming methods to get the best out of your soil. Plus, you can sign up for our free instructional Carbon College videos to learn carbon farming principles, or chat personally with an agronomist by clicking the chat box in the bottom right of your screen.
As part of the Carbon by Indigo program, learn how carbon farming can improve soils and increase profitability.
This article may include information from third-party sources or other information that Indigo may not independently verify. Carbon quantification methods, processes and understandings are in their nascency and subject to change and continuous development. The information contained herein is for general informational purposes only and may be based on generally applicable assumptions that may not be applicable to any individual operation. Actual results may differ among growers and farms based on a large number of variables. Each operation should independently consider the financial implications and all potential risks and benefits of the use of any agronomic practice. Any payments under Carbon by Indigo are subject to multi-year vesting and are contingent on continued long-term maintenance of regenerative agricultural practices and soil carbon levels. All Carbon Credits generated are subject to buffer pool holdbacks required by third-party crediting; participants will not receive payments for such holdback. Neither Indigo nor its representatives or affiliates makes any representations, warranties or guarantees as to any specific outcomes (agronomic, financial or otherwise) in connection with any recommendations, calculations or predictions. Terms, conditions, limitations and eligibility requirements apply. See program agreement for additional details regarding Carbon by Indigo.
Farmers like you are getting paid to implement practices that improve soil health. With skyrocketing input costs, see how covers help.
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Neither Indigo nor any of its affiliates makes any representations, warranties or guarantees as to any specific results or outcomes, including, without limitation, with respect to soil health outcomes or any minimum amount of greenhouse gasses sequestered or number of carbon credits generated. Participation in Carbon by Indigo is subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of the program contained in the applicable enrollment agreement. Any payments under Carbon by Indigo are subject to multi-year vesting and are contingent on continued long-term maintenance of regenerative agricultural practices and soil carbon levels. All Carbon Credits generated are subject to buffer pool holdbacks required by third-party crediting; participants will not receive payments for such holdback. Not available in all areas.
500 Rutherford Ave, Boston, MA 02129 | 844.828.0240 | info@indigoag.com